Founded in June 2019, Veloxia Technology sees its future among top-end entertainment service providers. At Veloxia, our mission is to design long-term products that will surpass industry norms. We think that the most important tools in this are improving the user experience and integrating behavioral economy models into our games.
We build our games together with their communities, ensuring that all details of the product during the design and production stages are improved before they reach the end user. We not only use existing channels, but also frequently create new communication channels and seek feedback.
We create an innovative MOBA experience that will bring new interactive entertainment to our community. Our goal is to grow the game with our player base. The mission we embrace is to prepare an immersive gaming experience which will develop and improve with our community's guidance.
Our vision is to create a new era in mobile games with a sustainable and enjoyable experience. Embershard provides our community play, enjoyment, and the ability to earn. We consider our players as partners and contributors that will improve the experience.
Veloxia will advance and grow along its multicultural structure, which brings people together from all over the world such as the USA, Sweden, and Egypt, who all joined Veloxia based on three values: curiosity, passion and innovation. These reflect our team spirit and production culture, as well as our Veloxian way of life.
Web 3.0 Vision
We thrived in 2021. This year, we started working on Web3-based, Blockchain supported economy models and aligned our goals with these new and exciting technologies. When our MOBA game Embershard, which we are currently working on, meets the players in 2023, it will not only be played for a long time, but will make an overwhelming impact in the industry.
Web 3.0 and Environmental Concerns
The blockchain runs on a 'proof of work' system which requires a network to approve transactions; this has an energy cost and therefore carbon cost associated with it. Whilst the networks are moving towards less energy intensive 'proof of stake' systems in 2022, it is not there yet; and thus remains, like many transactions, imperfect.
To reduce our impact, Veloxia will commit to compensate for the carbon footprint due to the operations run on blockchain.
Click here for more info on Veloxia, our games, and career openings.
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